Portable Showers For Camping – Solar Powered Way to Stay Clean

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81ChSAz iZL. AC UF350350 QL80 1

Solar Camping Shower

If you love camping but hate giving up on conveniences, then you are going to love the portable showers for camping.

If you go camping at designated camp ground, then you are most likely going to have public showers, so problem solved, but what if you have a cabin in the woods without running water or camping in areas without the public shower house. Then using a portable shower, is a great way to go, and enjoy camping while still feeling clean!

These portable showers  are usually 5 gallon “insulated bags” that heat up the water really fast. You can hang them from a tree branch, or you can also rig up a privacy curtain, or you can get portable shower enclosures where the portable showers can hang from, if you are not too fond of showering in your birthday suit in the open!

The insulated panels is what helps to heat the water fast and keep it warm. There are many on the market now, and the best part, is that they just fold up when you don’t need them anymore, which makes them easy to pack.

Now the downside to this, is that there are only 5 gallons, which means if you normally fall asleep against the wall of your home shower until the hot water runs out, then you will get a rude surprise here! But they do come with water saver shower heads that can turn off while you lather up for example.

I know that we had one that heated up faster hanging outside, than the propane 5 gallon one that was in our trailer. If you get it out in the sun it heats up fast.

You just seem to enjoy camping that much more, if you can wash, and especially wash your hair. So, if you are trying to come up with a list of “must haves” for that rough cabin in the woods or that tent style camping in the woods, then this might be something you can add to your list. They are affordable and portable.  Portable Showers

Solar Camping Shower

I discovered these portable showers for camping, while shopping in a outdoor store. This is a place you should wander around in sometime, as you can get all kinds of cool little gadgets and helpful hints from the staff when it comes to enjoying that camping trip with some of the comforts from home. There are also environmentally friendly soaps and shampoos you can use.

Technology has come a long way, and there are even solar backpacks that can help to keep your laptop or other electronics going while camping. Shopping in a outdoor store is like a showroom for campers! You keep finding things that you “think you must have”.

But back to the portable showers for camping. Do yourself a favor and get a camping shower enclosure too. That way you can still have some privacy while having that shower, and they fold away as well. This portable shower also has a place for soap and shampoo, so that you are not searching for them.

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